Create Knowledge Base
Create a new knowledge base
Authentication header containing API key (find it in dashboard). The format is "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
Name of the knowledge base. Must be less than 40 characters.
Whether to enable auto refresh for the knowledge base urls. If set to true, will retrieve the data from the specified url every 12 hours.
Files to add to the knowledge base. Limit to 25 files, where each file is limited to 50MB.
Texts to add to the knowledge base.
URLs to be scraped and added to the knowledge base. Must be valid urls.
Unique id of the knowledge base.
Name of the knowledge base. Must be less than 40 characters.
Status of the knowledge base. When it's created and being processed, it's "in_progress". When the processing is done, it's "complete". When there's an error in processing, it's "error".
, complete
, error
Whether to enable auto refresh for the knowledge base urls. If set to true, will retrieve the data from the specified url every 12 hours.
Sources of the knowledge base. Will be populated after the processing is done (when status is "complete").
Last refreshed timestamp (milliseconds since epoch). Only applicable when enable_auto_refresh is true.
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