Create Phone Call (Deprecated)
Create a new phone call
Authentication header containing API key (find it in dashboard). The format is "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
The number you own in E.164 format.
The number you want to call, in E.164 format.
For this particular call, override the agent used with this agent id. This does not bind the agent to this number, this is for one time override.
An arbitrary object for storage purpose only. You can put anything here like your internal customer id associated with the call. Not used for processing. You can later get this field from the call object.
Add optional dynamic variables in key value pairs of string that injects into your Retell LLM prompt and tool description. Only applicable for Retell LLM.
{ "customer_name": "John Doe" }
If set, will drop the call if machine (voicemail, IVR) is detected. If not set, default value of false will apply.
Unique id of the call. Used to identify in LLM websocket and used to authenticate in audio websocket.
Corresponding agent id of this call.
Where the audio websocket would connect from would determine the format / protocol of websocket messages, and would determine how our server read audio bytes and send audio bytes.:
: The protocol defined by Retell, commonly used for connecting from web frontend. Also useful for those who want to manipulate audio bytes directly. -
: The websocket protocol defined by Twilio, used when your system uses Twilio, and supplies Retell audio websocket url to Twilio.
, twilio
The audio encoding of the call. The following formats are supported:
16 bit linear PCM audio, the native format for web audio capture and playback. -
non-linear audio encoding technique used in telephony. Commonly used by Twilio.
, mulaw
Sample rate of the conversation, the input and output audio bytes will all conform to this rate. Check the audio source, audio format, and voice used for the agent to select one that works. supports value ranging from [8000, 48000]. Note for Twilio mulaw
encoding, the sample rate has to be 8000.
sample rate recommendation (natively supported, lowest latency):-
elevenlabs voices: 16000, 22050, 24000, 44100.
openai voices: 24000.
deepgram voices: 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000.
Status of call.
: Call id issued, ready to make a call using this id. -
: Call connected and ongoing. -
: The underlying websocket has ended for the call. Either user or agent hanged up, or call transferred. -
: Call encountered error.
, ongoing
, ended
, error
If users stay silent for a period after agent speech, end the call. The minimum value allowed is 10,000 ms (10 s). This value, if set, would overwrite the agent level end_call_after_silence_ms parameter.
The caller number.
The callee number.
Direction of the phone call. Not populated for web call.
, outbound
An arbitrary object for storage purpose only. You can put anything here like your internal customer id associated with the call. Not used for processing. You can later get this field from the call object.
Add optional dynamic variables in key value pairs of string that injects into your Retell LLM prompt and tool description. Only applicable for Retell LLM.
{ "customer_name": "John Doe" }
If set, will drop the call if machine (voicemail, IVR) is detected. If not set, default value of false will apply.
Whether this call opts out of sensitive data storage like transcript, recording, logging.
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