View and Manage Batch Calls

To access batch call functionality, navigate to the Batch Call tab in the Retell AI workspace. This is where you can create, view, and monitor your batch calls. Batch calls are classified by their status:

  • Draft: Editable and unsent. Drafts will not trigger any calls until submitted.
  • Planned: Scheduled for a future time. These cannot be edited once scheduled.
  • Ongoing: Currently in progress, limited by concurrency. New calls will only be initiated if concurrency slots are available.
  • Sent: All calls in the batch have been successfully completed.

View and manage Batch calls

Create a Batch Call

To create a new batch call, follow these steps:

  1. Click “Create a Batch Call”: In the top-right corner of the Batch Call tab, click the Create a Batch Call button.
  2. Name Your Batch Call: Provide a unique name to differentiate this batch call from others.
  3. Select the From Number: Choose a number from the dropdown menu. Ensure that agents are bound to the number to enable batch calls.
  4. Upload Recipient List: Use the provided CSV template by clicking Download the template. If using your own file, include a header row, and ensure the “phone number” column is present. Drag and drop the file or select it manually to upload.
  5. Schedule or Send Immediately: Choose between Send Now (to start calls immediately) or Schedule (to set a future send time).
  6. Save or Send the Batch Call: Click Save as Draft to revisit and edit the batch later. Click Send to schedule and initiate the calls immediately.

Create a batch call