Navigate to Post-Call Analysis

Go to the agent detail page and click on the “Post-Call Analysis” tab.


Choose Analysis Category Type and Configure

Select the type of analysis that best fits your needs:

Boolean Analysis

Use for simple yes/no determinations Example configuration:

  • Name: first_time_caller
  • Description: Determine if this is the customer’s first time calling

Text Analysis

Use for extracting detailed textual information Example configuration:

  • Name: detailed_call_summary
  • Description: Provide a detailed summary of the call so that when the call is transferred, the new human agent has the full context
  • Format Example: “Customer called about billing issue. Resolved by explaining the recent price changes. Follow-up needed in 2 weeks.”

Number Analysis

Use for extracting numerical values Example configuration:

  • Name: purchase_intent_amount
  • Description: Extract the dollar amount the customer is interested in spending

Selector Analysis

Use for categorizing from predefined options Example configuration:

  • Name: issue_category
  • Description: Categorize the main reason for the call.
  • Choices Example: [“Technical Support”, “Billing Question”, “Sales Inquiry”, “Product Information”]
Please note that you should write the explanation of the choices inside the description field. The choices should only contain the individual choice.