
Knowledge base are a collection of sources of information that your agent can access to retrieve relevant information during the call, that can provide additional context to the conversation. It can greatly improve the quality of the responses and the overall experience, especially in cases where there are a lot of information available (too long for putting in prompt), but having the information is essential for the agent to respond correctly. This feature quite useful for use cases like support, helpdesk, FAQ, etc.

Supported sources:

  • Website content (via URLs)
  • Documents (supported formats: .bmp, .csv, .doc, .docx, .eml, .epub, .heic, .html, .jpeg, .png, .md, .msg, .odt, .org, .p7s, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rst, .rtf, .tiff, .txt, .tsv, .xls, .xlsx, .xml)
  • Custom text snippets

How it works

You can create knowledge bases, and link them to your agents. When a knowledge base is linked to an agent, the agent will always try to retrieve information from the knowledge base before responding. There’s no need to change your prompt for it to trigger, as it will be done automatically, for every response generation.

During the creation of knowledge bases, it will chunk the source, embed them and store into a vector database.

During the call, when the agent is about to respond, it will use the transcript so far (prompt is not included) to find the most relevant chunks from the knowledge base, and feed them to the LLM as context.

Best Practices

  • Use markdown format for the source, with clear paragraphs: it will be easier to chunk and is easier to be retrieved.
    • For tabular data or image data, it’s sometimes hard for the system to recognize the correct data and put relevant information together in one chunk, so it might yield suboptimal results.
  • Group relevant information together in one chunk: it will improve the retrieval accuracy.
  • Avoid ambiguity and use specificity in references: when the chunk is retrieved, it’s best to contain specific references like name, dates, and less ambiguous terms like it or this. Because without the prior chunk, it’s hard to understand ambiguous terms.

Use Knowledge Base


Access Knowledge Base Settings

  1. Navigate to your dashboard
  2. Select the “Knowledge Base” tab
  3. Click the “Add” button in the top-right corner

Create Knowledge Base Items

Choose from three types of knowledge sources:

  1. URL: Import content from web pages

    • Supports single pages or entire websites
    • Automatically updates when content changes
  2. File: Upload documents

    • Supported formats: PDF, TXT, DOCX, etc.
    • Maximum file size: 100MB
  3. Text: Add custom content

    • Paste or type direct information
    • Ideal for specific instructions or data

Verify Added Items

After adding items, they will appear in your knowledge base list. You can:

  • View all added items
  • Edit existing items
  • Delete items when no longer needed

Connect to Your Agent

  1. Open the agent editor
  2. Locate the “Knowledge Base” section
  3. Select the knowledge base items you want to use

Your agent will now use this information when responding to queries related to the added content.



  • Knowledge base creation:
    • First 10 knowledge bases are free.
    • Additional ones are billed at $8 / month per knowledge base.
  • Using knowledge base:
    • $0.005 per minute of calls that have knowledge base enabled.
    • it does not matter if your agent is using 1 or many knowledge bases, the billing is the same.

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