This guide will walk through how to get numbers, assign agents, and make phone calls. The numbers are managed by Retell, so you don’t have to worry about the telephony infrastructure. If you are looking to use your own telephony provider, check out Custom Telephony guide.

Purchase Phone Number & Bind Voice Agents

Check out Create Phone Number API Reference for all the parameters you can use.

  • Phone numbers are yours once purchased, and can be used indefinitely. Find numbers you own here.
  • You can assign different inbound and outbound agent to the number.
  • If you don’t want user to be able to call this number (maybe you are doing outbound and don’t want callbacks), you can leave inbound_agent_id unset.

At this stage, the number should already be ready to accept inbound calls if you assigned an inbound agent. Give it a try by calling it!

Make Outbound Call

Check out Create Phone Call API Reference for all the parameters you can use.

  • from_number is the e.164 string format of the number you purchased earlier.
  • to_number is the phone number you want to call.

Update the Voice Agent Bound to A Number

Check out Update Phone Number API Reference for all the parameters you can use to update the inbound and outbound agent who handles the phone. You can also turn off the inbound calls for the number by setting inbound_agent_id to null.

Get Call Detail

  • API: You can use Get Call API to get information like transcript, recording, latency tracking, etc.
  • Webhook: You can also setup webhooks to receive real time updates when call is initiated, ends, and analyzed. Read more at Call Webhook Guide.