This node only works during phone calls instead of web calls. It’s available for Retell numbers and imported numbers.

Call transfer node is used to transfer the call to another number. The agent will not speak when it’s in this node. If you want the agent to say things like Let me transfer you right away before performing the actual transfer, you can do so by putting a conversation node (with skip response turned on) before this node.

When Can Transition Happen

Transition happens when transfer fails. There’s already a pre-populated edge for this, feel free to connect that to a node to handle transfer failure.

Configure Transfer


Setup Transfer To Target

Set it to be either


Configure Transfer Type

Choose between cold transfer or warm transfer:

  • Cold transfer: The call is transferred to a destination number and that’s it.
  • Warm transfer: The call is transferred to a destination number, and when connected, AI agent will leave a handoff message. Useful when you want to brief the next agent about previous context.
    • You can configure the handoff message in the format of Prompt or Static Sentence

Configure Caller ID for Cold Transfer (Optional)

For cold transfers, you can configure how the caller ID appears to the next agent:

  1. Retell Agent’s number: The transfer destination will see the Retell agent’s number

  2. Transferree’s Number: The transfer destination will see the number that the user is calling from. Please note that you have to configure following in your telephony provider in order to make it work, because this option internally is simply transferring via SIP REFER, and some telephony provider have the ability to set caller id for SIP REFER.

    • enable SIP REFER
    • enable transfer to PSTN
    • set caller id as transferee

Rest of Node Settings

  • Global Node: read more at Global Node
  • LLM: choose a different model for this particular node. Will be used for function argument generation, and potentially speak during execution message generation.